Uniform distribution Theory

Spring 2021, Tel Aviv

Schedule: Wed 13:10-16:00

At least until April the meetings will be on Zoom. Write to me for a link.


The classical theory of uniform distribution modulo one began with the work of Herman Weyl in 1916 and deals with the distribution of fractional parts of sequences of real numbers in the unit interval, with roots in Diophantine approximations but later extended to links with other parts of number theory, ergodic theory and mathematical physics. The course will cover some of the classical theory, both qualitative methods such as Weyl's criterion and quantitative methods (discrepancy theory). We will explore links with number theory, and continue to modern versions of the theory of uniform distribution, which study microscopic statistics such as the level spacing distribution and its connections with Random Matrix Theory.

Prerequisites: basic courses in number theory, measure theory, probability theory, complex analysis

Homework assignments


For the first part of the course:
Contact me at: rudnick@tauex.tau.ac.il, Office : Schreiber 308